Monday, September 28, 2009

Your Invitation to the First Ashram Meeting

Hari Om!

You are all warmly invited to attend the very first planning and vision meeting for the new Ashram for Europe.

If you are unable to attend in person, but wish to participate, just email your ideas and questions to Rev. padma priya or post them as a comment on this website (marked as "message for meeting") and your message will be read to the meeting.

A summary of what happens there will be posted on this website afterwards.

Your inspiration and devotion are what is giving this project wings of love and light. Thank you.

Date of Meeting: Sunday 4th October 2009
Time: 11am to 2pm
Venue: The Zen Zone, Parkstone, Bournemouth, Dorset, U.K.

If you are able to stay, we will enjoy a sharing lunch after the meeting.

Later in the day at 6.30pm we will be sharing Satsang at the same place which will include a special world-wide full moon healing meditation and everyone is warmly welcomed to come along.

Jai Sri Satguru Maharajki! JAI!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Account for Donations

Hari Om!

Great news - we now have a dedicated bank account to begin raising money for our new Ashram in Europe.

If you want to hold fund-raising events or make a donation or standing order or tithe to the fund, simply make a transfer to the following bank account:-

Bank: Lloyds TSB
Name of Account: IY AUM Ashram Account
IBAN No: GB03 LOYD 3065 2121 0253 60
Sort Code: 30-65-21
Account No: 21025360

May all hearts join together in this peaceful prayer -
May we create a heaven on the earth for everyone to share - may it be so.

Om Shanthi

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Vision for Europe

Our Vision:

“To create an Integral Yoga Ashram that is rich in faith, nature and spirit. It will be a place where people of all faiths and beliefs are welcome; a place where all can come together to celebrate the one Truth.

This living yoga community, based on the teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda, will empower people to embrace the principles of peace, selfless service and easeful and balanced living. It will be a community that is light on the environment and inspirational to its visitors and residents.

The Ashram will be designed to be green from its very foundations. It will be a building sourced locally that breathes with the seasons. It will blend in organically with its surroundings and be grounded and grounding. It will be a place that leads the way in eco living and shares the art of the possible with others.

The building will be heated from local sources and its land will provide a refuge for local wildlife and nature as well providing as much food and fuel as possible to be self-sufficient. It will be a beautiful and graceful building inspiring people to come and visit, to rest and renew and reconnect to our Source.

It’s heart will be a L.O.T.U.S. Temple, celebrating the One Light and sharing the message that Truth is One, Paths are Many."

A copy of the US Ashram’s Mission Statement
Virginia, U.S.A.

Our mission is to practice, live, and impart the Integral Yoga teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda to experience Supreme Peace and Joy, and to share that with one and all.

We envision Satchidananda Ashram – Yogaville as a thriving center where people from diverse backgrounds come to study and practice the teachings of Integral Yoga and realize their essential oneness. We envision ourselves as a vibrant spiritual community, a Yoga village, where people of all ages live and serve joyfully. Dedication, cooperation, mutual support, and trust are pillars of our community life. Imbued with the guiding spirit of Sri Swami Satchidananda, the Ashram is a place of pilgrimage to learn about his life and service. We are internationally recognized as a beacon of interfaith harmony and understanding, and known for our commitment to peace—for the individual and for the world.


Respect for our Guru: His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda is the founder and Spiritual Master of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville. We are deeply grateful for his gift of Integral Yoga, his ever-present blessings, and for providing us with our spiritual home. We offer our respect and honor Sri Gurudev through traditional devotional practices, as well as by following his guidance and teachings in our daily lives. We also recognize that Sri Gurudev is a manifestation of the Divine Universal Consciousness, and that the teachings of Integral Yoga allow each of us the freedom to relate to God and Guru in a way that resonates with our own heart.

Faith and Trust: We believe that everything happens due to God’s Will, and ultimately, it’s all for good. When life presents us with challenges, we turn to God and Guru, the Integral Yoga teachings and the sangha, for guidance and support. Our faith in God and Guru helps us to face situations fearlessly, to do our best, and then to accept the outcome.

Integrity: We have the courage to live according to our principles and do not forsake them in pursuit of economic or other gain. Honoring the True Self in one another, we strive to have our thoughts, words, and deeds always in alignment.

Truthfulness: We are committed to honest, open, and clear communication. In so doing, our intention is always to bring benefit to someone and harm to no one.
Non-violence: We strive to be non-violent in our thoughts, words, and deeds by treating everyone and everything with respect and loving-kindness. If instances of harmful behavior do occur, they are addressed and redressed in a compassionate and timely manner.

Accountability and Stewardship: On a personal and organizational level, we take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. We seek to use all of our resources— whether money, equipment, time, or the contributions of others—in a careful and conscientious manner. In the spirit of sangha, we support one another to act in accordance with our shared values and commitments.

Equanimity: We seek to maintain our balance and ease under all conditions. To help us experience the peace that is our true nature, we practice Integral Yoga, which is a synthesis of the various branches of Yoga: Raja, Hatha, Japa, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana. Based on ethical values, self-discipline, and meditation, the practice of Integral Yoga leads to mastery over the mind and Supreme Realization.

Love and Compassion: True love is unconditional, seeking nothing in return. We express this love through our service and support of one another. Recognizing that on life’s journey, we all make mistakes, we practice compassion and forgiveness.

Selfless Service: Sri Gurudev often said, “The dedicated ever enjoy Supreme Peace. Therefore, live only to serve.” By joyfully performing action without attachment to the results or seeking personal gain, we become conscious instruments of the Divine and fit to realize the Supreme Truth.

Interfaith Harmony: In light of the teaching, “Truth is One, Paths are Many,” we honor all the world’s faiths, seeing their underlying unity while celebrating their diversity. We seek to foster global harmony through interfaith dialog. While the teachings of Sri Gurudev and the practices of Integral Yoga form the basis of our path and yogic lifestyle, we also offer programs with speakers of other traditions who embrace this spirit, in order to enhance our appreciation of other faith traditions.

Ecological Awareness and Healthy Living: We aspire to be good guardians of this beautiful planet that we have been given as our home. We partake of the beauty and bounty around us with gratitude and reverence. As much as possible, we seek to use natural, organic products and be earth-friendly in all our activities. We follow a vegetarian diet and refrain from alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs. By living in this way, following the yogic practices and guidelines, we support the wellbeing of the planet, as well as our body’s natural state of health.

How it all began ...

Hari Om!

Om Namo Bhagavate Satchidanandaya!

Through the series of Living Yoga Retreats in the UK, Sri Gurudev seems to have awakened a pure river of devotion and a yearning to live together in Divine Love and Light, creating Sri Gurudev's vision of a heaven on the earth. It has awakened in many hearts a wish for our very own Ashram, here in Europe.

At the moment it seems that the Ashram would be based in the UK (where the energy and enthusiasm has arisen) and from there it would serve the entire European Sangha. It will be for us all - everyone is included.

For this to manifest, we need to all share together in its vision and planning, to make it truly ours.

Gopal (Neil) Hill has been inspired with a beautiful vision of an eco Ashram which you will see below, and he has kindly agreed to be the Project Manager. If you are interested to see our ideas for taking it forwards, our plans so far are below.

We ask you to send us your very own vision for our Ashram here in Europe - any and all ideas that come into your mind and heart - post them on this website and share them with everyone. We will collate all the ideas into one final and radiant Vision Statement. All offers of help, expertise and experience, any comments are very welcome.

So let everyone have a say, the more we share our vision, the more we will own the concept and divine energy will pour through us to bring it into being .
Let's all join together to contribute to this project and enable our Ashram to be born soon!

Jai Sri Satguru Maharajki! JAI!

Om Prem
Rev. Padma priya


Ashram for Europe Project
On the weekend of 16th August, our dear Usha Piscini traveled from Italy to London and performed a special Mandala Wheel Ceremony for our Ashram Project.

The ceremony took 4 hours and is based on native American tradition combined with Raja, Jnana, Karma and Bhakti Yoga. It gave us access to much wisdom and guidance. Our deep thanks to Usha and to Sri Gurudev for all his blessings.

Here is a synopsis of the guidance that came through the ceremony – at times it was as if the Ashram itself was speaking to us.

First Vision: A golden lotus flower as tall as a tree, weeping white nectar all around – as each drop touched the ground, a L.O.T.U.S. Temple sprang up.
A weeping rose tree, overflowing with beautiful pink blossoms, almost touching the ground.
Both are symbols of Divine Love – one eastern and one western – symbolizing the coming together of east and west.

Eagle Vision: Location: south west UK. There seemed to be woodland to the NW, a hill to the NE, a river to the E and a road to the SE.

First Question: How to help motivate and inspire this yearning which is flowing through all hearts, like a flower that has bloomed simultaneously in so many hearts. How to enable each one to contribute to it in some way?

Answer: It is to be a place where everyone feels it is their Home – the people who live there will be simply taking care of the home for everyone and to welcome them when they come, so that each visit is like family Christmas (the good ones!). In order to contribute people have to know what it is going to be and that it will be something for all future generations.

Question: It has been asked why in the UK?
Answer: Europe is diverse and is now experienced in coming together in peace. The UK is a country where all nationalities are welcome. Unity in diversity. Also Sri Swami Satchidananda made the UK his last place to visit before returning to India to leave his body. It is possible the reason he chose the UK was to “seed” this Ashram for Europe as a gift to all. All the European Integral Yoga Centres are the drops of nectar from the Golden Lotus. There will be a Board of European Representatives. It will be a Home for all of Integral Yoga in Europe.

Guidance: It has to be affordable and sustainable. Its foundation is faith and charity. The Ashram will be like a flower that all the bees come to. Setting it up as a charitable foundation will enable it to prosper as a channel of Mother Lakshmi’s prosperity. Providing finance and donations and tithing and offers of services and materials and facilities in advance in full faith, will help the Ashram to be born easily, to manifest itself.
Fund-raising programmes also create streams of energy to support the Project as it prepares to come into being. People should know what the money is going to.
Creating the right spirit is a good foundation. There needs to be a clear picture of what is needed and good management.

For the Residents: The leader, staff and all residents to be good examples of clear boundaries, able to serve self and others – no examples of burnt-out exhausted people. Staff package to include at least one massage and one hot tub per week. This is joyful living. There will be a “Bank of Time” exchange system, sharing services between the whole community.

Creativity Nurturing the artists and creative people – art exhibitions, poetry workshops and sharing it in Satsang. Sharing dance – peace dances, Sufi dance, sacred dance, Bio Danza, etc. Having a choir as well as kirtan group, and musicians supported in their creativity. A theatre group – sketches and plays to start small and let everyone have a go. Keywords: fun, light and lively.

Learning from the Past Learn what was difficult in the beginning of the Ashram in the US – example, lack of privacy. This Euro Ashram envisages having “pods” or cabins for residents. Each pod would also have a guest room to take in visitors and people on residential programmes – so we all get to know each other – elderly or lonely people or people whose children have left home having possibility to host – but also possibility of private cabins or dorms. We are inviting people involved in the setting up of the US Ashram to be on our Board of Guiding Angels.

Emotional Life The founding emotion of the Ashram is peace, tranquility, serenity.
Following all the teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda. Personal relationships to be founded on spiritual values. Fostering understanding of the benefits of committed relationship based on shared spiritual values – perhaps newspaper articles “Why are yoga boys and girls so attractive?” “Why marry a yoga girl?” Understanding they have different values, are solidly grounded and value service and faithfulness.
To cope with possible anger and conflict between residents, have a mediation facility – how do yogis resolve their conflicts? When we have the same value system, we always have one thing in common to work from – finding common ground. Not just listening, but having counsellors. Have occasional seminars about fear, anger, depression, etc. Ensure there is a very good communication system.

Human Resources Look at changing people around in their work roles to help them develop other aspects of themselves. Let work always be their play – it’s all fun. Get a balance of that in everyone’s day, in their week, in their life.

Message from the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine, An Ashram For Europe:
I am a living creature with my own life, my own timeline, my own flavour – my own life! I will be a place of peace for at least the next 7 generations. No doubt about it.